Rainbow of playdough colors

All the Colors of the Rainbow

kids with craft of ribbon streamers in rainbow colors

April 4 to May 16 - 10 AM

This spring we will read and sing all about the colors of the rainbow. Do you have a favorite color? Maybe you like different colors on different days?


For more details about storytimes check our flier

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Bright young women book club banner

Join the Carpe Librum Book Club for this month's discussion of Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll! Called one of the best thrillers of 2023, this book pulls inspiration from real life crimes of Ted Bundy, but instead centers the women whose lives he cut short, following the fictional Pamela and Tina as they attempt to find out the truth about their friend's murders.

New members are always welcome to join the book club! All are welcome to attend this month if they'd like to join the discussion. Contact kmckewin [at] (kmckewin[at]rgpl[dot]org) with questions.

Copies of this month's book will be available for check-out at the circulation desk beginning on April 1.

Friends annual book sale

Stop in during Trout Days to browse through the annual Friends of the Library used book sale! A selection of books, DVD's, puzzles, and games will be available for purchase. All sales are by donation and proceeds will go to the Friends to directly support special library projects and activities, such as our upcoming summer reading program or our recent seed library.

Shop the sale anytime on Friday between 8AM and 6PM or Saturday from 8AM to 2PM.

Interested in getting involved with the Friends of the Library? See more information here.


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Asha and goat watch the star in the night sky

Monday, May 13 @ 10:00 AM


 Come to the library screening room on Monday morning to see Disney's Wish.

Dvd cover for Disney's WISH, showing main character and villain.

A young girl named Asha wishes on a star and gets a more direct answer than she bargained for when a trouble-making star comes down from the sky to join her.

Movie rated PG, Runtime 1 hour, 35 minutes



