Carpe Librum June selection

Join the Carpe Librum Book Discussion Group on June 30, via Zoom, at 5:30 p.m., to delve into Michelle Wildgen's tantalizing foodie fable, Bread & Butter.

In this dazzling novel, Wildgen crafts a tasty story about three brothers, in small town Linden, PA, who open competing restaurants.  Britt and Leo run the upscale Winesap restaurant, a steady and reliable business that has perhaps, become a bit stodgy.  Even the pastry chef laments the boredom of making the same old chocolate molten cakes.   It's not long before younger brother Harry tosses his hat into the restaurant ring by opening a hip little joint that serves artsy food such as Thai basil beignets.   Before too long, the stirred up pastry chef, quits Britt and Leo's establishment and surprise, shows up creating pastries at Harry's joint.   Wildgen's story, replete with romance, a seedy bar, and a toss of gossip, will leave you sated, yet wanting more.

Contact Pam at pbosben [at] to be added to the list for the Zoom link.